People ask me if I would like to work for a charity, and answer is always YES! I would love to work for it, because I think is so important that people that can participate in charity to help either animals or people that need. Talking about myself I don’t know what kind of charity I would work for, if I could I would work for both!
In my school, currently they don’t participate and
they don’t have any charity, but in the beginning of 2020 they started a
charity to help a nursing home next to the school, but then the pandemic came
and ruined it. Now they talk about some charity projects in some classes, like
the red nose day
Talking about the red nose day if one day I participate
I don’t really know what I would do. But I have some unoriginal ideas like:
dress up like a red clown, sing or play something (even though it would be
really embarrassing), and I could bake something like a red cake, even though I
have no idea how to bake